1 Mukhi Rudraksha

Presiding Deity : Shiva
Ruling Planet : All
Beeja Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya

The one mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Supreme Lord Himself in his absolute Undivided form. This blesses the wearer with enlightenment and union with the Supreme Consciousness. It destroys all sins and leads one to liberation.

It is only with grace of Lord Shiva and divine karmas that a person gets to wear this rare bead. The physical benefits of this bead is that it cures migraine and abnormalities of the brain dysfunction.

Wearing 1 Mukh Rudraksha Activates Pineal, Pituitary Gland.

Which Nakshatra Can Wear 1 Mukh Rudraksha ?

Krithika, Uthratathi (Uttaraphalguni), Uthradam (Uttarashadha)

atha hainam kaalaagnirudram bhushuNDah prapachCha katham rudraakSHOtpattihi | taddhaaraNaat kim phalamiti ||

Sri Bhusunda Muni sought Lord Kalagnirudra: What is the origin of Rudraksha ? What are the benefits of wearing them on one’s body?

tam hOvaacha bhagavaankaalaagnirudraha ||

Lord Kalagnirudra spoke:.

tripuravadhaartham aham nimeelitaakSHOabhavam | tEbhyO jalabindavO bhoomau patitaastE rudraakSHaa jaataaha

While I closed my eyes at the time of destroying the Tripura Asuras, from my eyes thus closed, tear-drops fell on the earth. These drops of tears have turned into Rudrakshas.

sarvaanugrahaarthaaya tESHaam naamOchchaaraNamaatrENa dashagOpradaanaphalam darshanasparshanaabhyaam dviguNam phalamata oordhvam vaktum na shaknOmi | tatraitE shlOkaa bhavanti ll

Merely uttering the name of Rudraksha, produces the effect of the dana of ten cows. The seeing and handling of them produces twice the effect of the above. Beyond this, it is inexplicable by words.

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