Ratha Saptami or Rathasapthami is a Hindu celebration that falls on the seventh day (Saptami) in the brilliant half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month Maagha. It is emblematically spoken to as the Sun God Surya turning his Ratha (Chariot) drawn by seven steeds (speaking to seven hues) towards the northern half of the globe, in a north-easterly bearing. It likewise denotes the introduction of Surya and is thus celebrated as Surya Jayanti (the Sun-god's birthday).
Ratha Saptami is emblematic of the difference in the season to spring and the beginning of the gathering season. For most Indian agriculturists, it is a propitious start to the New Year. The celebration is seen by all Hindus in their homes and in incalculable sanctuaries committed to Surya, crosswise over India.
Sun adore is profoundly established in the Vedas of the Hindu religion and its artifact likewise identifies with a few legends of the world, for example, that of China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. The Gayatri Mantra jap – the sacrosanct Vedic serenades to Savitr (Sun god) – is recounted by the Hindus consistently with incredible worship. As puranic Hinduism developed, the love of the Sun was built up.
In the Rig Veda Mandala 10/Hymn 85, the sun god's lady of the hour situated on a chariot pulled by two steeds is specified. This imagery is consequently basic to both Norse folklore and Vedic history.
Religious essentialness
Ratha Saptami is emblematically spoken to as the Sun God Surya turning his Ratha (Chariot) drawn by seven stallions, with Aruṇa as the charioteer, towards the northern side of the equator, in a north-easterly course. The emblematic centrality of the Ratha and the seven stallions ruled to it is that it speaks to the seven shades of the rainbow. The seven stallions are likewise said to speak to the seven days of seven days beginning with Sunday, the day of Sun god Surya. The chariot has 12 wheels, which speaks to the 12 signs (each of 30 degrees) of the Zodiac (360 degrees) and constituting an entire year, named Samvatsara. The Sun's own particular house is Leo (Simha) and he moves to start with one house then onto the next consistently and the aggregate cycle takes 365 days to finish. The Ratha Saptami celebration looks for the considerate grandiose spread of vitality and light from the Sun God.
Ratha Saptami additionally denotes the continuous increment in temperature crosswise over South India and anticipates the landing of spring, which is later proclaimed by the celebration of Ugadi or the Hindu lunar New Year day in the period of Chaitra.
Ratha Saptami additionally denotes the introduction of Surya to sage Kashyapa and his better half Aditi and thus celebrated as Surya Jayanti (the Sun-god's birthday). A legend is described by the Kamboj realm's King Yashovarma, an honorable ruler who had no beneficiary to lead his kingdom. On his unique supplications to God, he was honored with a child. The lord's pledges did not end with this, as his child was critically ill. A holy person who went to the lord exhorted that his child ought to play out the Ratha Saptami pooja (venerate) with adoration to free of his past sins. Once the King's child played out this, his wellbeing was reestablished and he controlled his kingdom well. It is additionally said that wise Bhisma inhaled his final gasp fourth after a long time on Ekadashi
Sun sanctuaries
There are Surya sanctuaries the whole way across India where Ratha Sapthami is intensely celebrated. In any case, the most acclaimed one is the World Heritage Site of the Konarak Sun Temple, in Konark, Orissa. Other than Konark, there is another sun sanctuary in Orissa, the Biranchi Narayan Temple (Biranchi kshetra) in Buguda, Ganjam District. There are sun sanctuaries in Modhera, Gujarat, made by ruler Bhimdev of the Chaulukya line, in Arasavalli, Andhra Pradesh, and in bunches of Navagraha sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu and Assam. The Sun Temple at Martand (Jammu and Kashmir) and Sun Temple of Multan are sanctuaries, which were pulverized amid Muslim clashes before.
Religious observances
God Vishnu in his shape as Surya (the Sun-God) is typically venerated on this day. For the most part, Rathasapthami starts in families with a decontamination shower (washing is likewise done in a stream or ocean) by holding a few Ekka (Calotropis Gigantea) leaves on their head while washing and droning a verse which should summon the kindheartedness of the Lord in all that one enjoys amid whatever is left of the year. Argyam or (Tharpanam) (the water held in the palms) is offered to the Sun God on this day while droning songs are performed to the Sun God. It likewise includes completing a puja with the custom Naivedhya (nourishment offering to God) and offering blooms and organic products. Critical supplications offered to the Sun god on this event are the Adityahridayam, Gayathri, Suryashtakam, Surya Sahasram names. The favored time for the pooja is inside one hour after dawn. In places like Mysore and Melkote, stately parades convey the Surya Mandala - the symbol of Surya.
In Tirumala
On Ratha sapthami a one-day Brahmotsavam is held in Tirumala.On this day, the directing god of Lord Malayappa Swamy alongside his celestial consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi are taken to a parade in Thiru Mada roads in Tirumala. The gods did in a joyous parade around the Thiru Mada boulevards enclosing the blessed Shrine of Balaji on seven diverse vahanam(sapthami=seven). Due to this reason, the day of RathaSapthami is called "Scaled-down Brahmotsavam" in Tirumala. The day begins with 'Surya Prabha vahanam at cycle 5.30 am early morning, trailed by Chinna Sesha Vahanam at 9 am, Garuda Vahanam by 11 is, Hanuman Vahanam by 1 pm, Chakrasananam by 2 pm, Kalpavriksha Vahanam by 4 pm, Sarvabhoopala Vahanam by 6 pm respectively. The day is finished with the Chandra Prabha Vahanam at 8 pm. Master Venkateshwara will favor enthusiasts for around 1 hour in each Vahanam (from the beginning time), in the Thiru Mada Veedhis of Tirumala Tirupati
Ratha Saptami
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